Leaping to new heights

All things must change to something new, to something strange.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Well that certainly didn't last too long. As you may recall in yesterday's post I was excited that our daughter was beginning to sleep through the night. Last night Samantha reminded us not to look too deeply into each day and try to project it onto the next day. Last night she was awake almost every hour to eat, she was awake constantly and I would be surprised if any of us got more than a total of three hours of sleep. Babies are like that I guess...they control everything and my wife and I really are just along for the ride.
When our baby was still in the hospital they gave her the first bath, they also gave her a second bath while she was in the hospital. Samantha hated having to take a bath, she screamed from the minute it started until the time it was done. Once we got her home it was pretty much the same reaction to bathtime. Nothing we did made the bath more pleasant for her, the water could be hotter, no relief, colder water didn't help either. It just seemed that our daughter was going to be a bath hater and every bath time was going to be a battle. During the seven weeks and probably 20 baths our daughter has slowly begun to not hate the bath so much. Recently, probably over the last two weeks, baby bath time has actually started to become one of the more enjoyable experiences of our day. Our daughter laughs and smiles during bath time and now seems like she really enjoys it.
My dad once told me that you should strive to learn something new everyday. If you haven't learned something then you missed an opportunity. What I hope that I learned from the bath experience is that my daughter is setting her own schedule, learning what she likes and doesn't like as she progresses through her life. Our daughter is learning a lot more than one new thing a day, she is probably learning something new every five minutes. Things that she doesn't like are very capable of changing, at being altered as she gains more insight into the world that we all are a part of. As my wife and I are the biggest influence on her now, I hope that I have learned enough in my life to help my daughter as she begins her life.