Sick Day

On this date in 1986, the space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after liftoff from Cape Canaveral, killing all seven onboard. I mention this disaster today because it's important to realize how each of us can affect the lives of all of those around us. I don't usually get too wrapped up in these type of events but for some reason this "disaster" really affected me. Actually, this was the saddest thing I remember happening in my lifetime, except for September 11, 2001. Should this really be considered a disaster or was it more of a tragic accident? Something that was preventable if someone did the right thing along the way?
Well I got to see my daughter for about and hour today...I worked until three then slept and went back to work at 10:30pm. That kinda sucked but what are you going to do? You can peruse some of the other blogs to get my opinion on my job and I am in no mood to delve into that again.
One thing I will say now that I am back intermingling with the general public is that it really amazes me how selfish and inconsiderate a lot of my fellow human beings are. I guess I never really noticed it before but I sure do notice it now!
People come to work, hacking, coughing, sneezing and who knows what else with who knows what kind of ailments. We all get sick days, perhaps we should be using them when we are actually sick....I understand this is a crazy concept but if you stay home when you're sick then you don't get me sick and I may have some compassion for you if and when I get sick. With my job I share everything, except for my headset, with everyone else who works here. Everything they touch I have to touch, everytime they cough or spew all over is something I am going to be using 40 minutes later.
All the child care books say that my baby is going to get certain antibodies from my wife's breast milk. Things to help them avoid getting sick, my concern is that if my wife is staying home where is she getting exposed to the germs to develop the antibodies that are then going into our daughter? Short answer is, she is going to be exposed to these germs through contact with me. I have all ready invested a small fortune in different purell type hand sanitizers and am seriously considering changing clothes in my garage so I don't bring anything into the house from work. I am not trying to shelter the baby from everything, I understand that eventually she is going to get a cold or God forbid something much worse but it sure would be nice if she can stay illness free for as long as is possible.
Consider this a personal favor to me, if you are sick please stay home. You never know if that person you're hacking on has someone at home that is too small to successfully fend off a cold.
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