Sunday, July 22, 2007


My daughter is walking, running, jumping, sliding, talking, and becoming quite the little person. That pretty much sums up the 23 unfinished blog entries that I have written over the past 6 months. There just never seems to be enough time to sit and finish what I have begun when it comes to the blog. I am going to keep trying to get the older ones finished but it might be more beneficial if I just write and finish a current entry.
We recently moved to a new house and it is taking a lot longer than I expected to get things done around here. We don't have any of our pictures up yet and to me a house just feels like a building without having some stuff hanging on the walls. I know that probably sounds hokey but without some personal touches, like ugly ceramic cats or autographed hockey pucks, I just don't feel like I am home.
Why am I talking about all the unfinished business in my life when this blog is supposed to be about my daughter and her dad? Well, over these past few months I have realized that no matter how much work we put into the raising of our daughter she is still unfinished. Just as I am constantly changing, so is she. She learns something new everyday and most days it's more than one thing. Whether it's learning that spilling the dogs water bowl all over the floor makes her socks wet or that banana peels aren't very tasty, she is forging her own path into the world. This path will never be finished until she decides it is and no amount of parenting is going to change that small, simple fact of life.
I have missed my time to blog, much like I miss being able to sit down outside and read a book or go for a long walk. Time is something that I always took for granted, and I still do. Being a parent of a 19 month old is hard, engaging, challenging, and at times frustrating. It is also the best thing that I have ever done in my life. My daughter is the best thing that has come out of my 36 year journey. I have made many mistakes along the way, as I am sure she will as well, but all of them have helped me get to the point where I am Samantha's dad. I guess that having a little unfinished business in one's life isn't always such a bad thing.


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