Through the eyes of a child

Through the eyes of a child
by Michael McDonald
The eyes of a child, so innocent and pure
A childs heart is full of song
Take their tiny hand, and lead them to the light
As adults we see pain in this world
And it sometimes don't seem right
But through the eyes of a child
The world seems magical
There's a sparkle in there eyes
They're yetrealizelise, the darkness in there soul
The beauty of their smile
Adventure Ocean wide
Sure life is kinda gay but it doesn't seem that way,
Through the eyes of a child
So don't give up even when the road seems long
Just find that child inside of you
Yeah you got to find you
Spread your wings and fly
To the brightest star
And if you want, you want
I can get my friend Steve to detail your car
For about twenty bucks
But through the eyes of a child
The world seems magical
There's a sparkle in there eyes
They realize the darkness in their soul
The beauty of their smile
Adventure Ocean wide
Sure life is kinda gay but it doesn't seem that way,
Through the eyes of a child
Got a light on my hand
I've got a light on my hand
I've got a light on my hand, but still I can't find you
Light on my hand, where have you gone girl
Light on my hand, I'm coming up behind you
Light on my hand, Don't turn around now
Cause I Âm right there I Âm coming up behind you
Through the eyes of a child
The world seems magical
There's a sparkle in there eyes
There yet to realise the bastards the really are
The beauty of their smile
Adventure Ocean wide
Sure life is kinda gay but it doesn't seem that way,
Before we jump right into today's blog, let's take a few seconds for a personal announcement...beginning in two weeks this blog will be added to the Concord Monitor. Actually it will be added to the Concord Monitor's website along with a few other blogs. The Concord Monitor is New Hampshire's second largest newspaper and it reaches over 200,000 people in the captiol region of New Hampshire. From my perspective this is pretty exciting as this blog will begin to reach a much larger audience. Well that's the big news related to the blog and now on to your regularly scheduled programming.
Some old friends from North Carolina came to visit with us today and we went out to lunch. We also invited some friends that have a three and a half year old and a two and a half year old. I noticed that the people at the table behind ours were getting annoyed that the toddlers were making noise and acting like toddlers do. Not acting like bad toddlers, they were just acting the way young children act. They were talking a little loud and they were excited to be out at a restaurant. The behavior of the adults at the table behind us sparked some thought in my mind about how I acted before we had kids, how I viewed kids in general and how those views have changed since becoming a dad.
The older man at the other table obviously didn't like our friends' children. He was consistently rolling his eyes and made a motion like he wanted to break the glass water bottle on the edge of a table and stab someone with the jagged edges. I guess the thing that I found strangest was that this man had an infant seated at his table. I assume it was his grandchild because the other people at the table seemed to be the right age to have a newborn. The old man seemed to be interested in the newborn, he was holding the newborn while the baby's mom ate lunch. It was too strange to see someone have such contempt for other people's kids but nothing but love for their own.
I am saddened to admit that there have been times that I have felt annoyed with other people's kids in public. I habelieveever made beleive that I was going to stab them with a broken bottle but to each their own I guess. Now that I have become a parent my opinions about children have, of course, changed. My daughter has opened my eyes to the wonders of being a parent, enjoying the world through the eyes of a child. Seeing everything for the first time and just being amazed by everything that the world has to offer. I am lucky that I was ready to let me daughter show me these things.
I hope that someday the man at the table behind us can remember what being a child is like again. Everyone deserves to be able to see the world through the eyes of a child sometimes.
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