Higher power

God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.
My wife and were raised in different religions. I was raised Lutheran, she was raised Catholic. This really was not that big of a deal when we got married, we were married in a Catholic church. We really never gave religion much consideration until we had our daughter.
I am uncomfortable that the Catholics do not allow women to become priests. The history and beliefs aren't really open for debate, especially not by someone with the theological background that I possess. It just doesn't seem right that my daughter is excluded from something just because she has no penis. I understand that this is many years from now but I have a real issue with anyone telling my daughter that she is not allowed to do something. That she is not as good as a boy just doesn't work for me. Especially coming from a place where we are taught that God and Jesus share their love, joy and beauty in the world with everyone equally.
We are going to raise our daughter Episcopalian, at least we are baptizing her Episcopalian. Religion is something that we want our daughter to be exposed to, we go as a family and I wanted to be able to take communion with my wife, the Catholics aren't going to let me do that. The Episcopalians allow everyone to take communion just like the Lutherans do. I felt uncomfortable asking my wife to convert to my religion, I wanted to find something that made us both comfortable. I think that the Episcopalians allow my family the opportunity to grow into our faith and to grow together as a family.
After we came to a decision on what religion to baptize we needed to focus on who would be our babies godparents. The nice thing about the Episcopalian faith is that the Godparents can both be women or both be men or have two women and a man or two men and a woman. My family is fairly large, I have two brothers and four sisters so one of the godparents is going to come from them. My wife has one sister so her decision is a little bit harder.
We have decided that my sister and my wife's best friend are going to be the Godparents for our daughter. As with anything there are going to be some people who are hurt that they were not asked and others happy that they weren't. Godparents are a nice tradition but I am not too sure they serve all that much of a purpose. It is almost like a ceremonial title. I have never heard of anyone's Godparents taking over the child's religious education if the parents decide that Church is no longer going to be a part of their children's lives. Hopefully, we won't put the people we chose in this uncomfortable position.
I have high hopes for my daughter, high expectations and she deserves to be exposed to a higher power. Maybe I'm just too sensitive, the Catholics have been around a long time before I got here and they'll be around for a long time after I croak..
I'll try not too talk too much about religion, politics or whatever that third thing is you're not supposed to talk about in this blog. But today it was talked about and it was something that I wanted to share, talk about and sort through my feelings.
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