Oh Doctor, Doctor, can't you see I'm callin'

The healthy, the strong individual, is the one who asks for help when he needs it. Whether he has an abscess on his knee or in his soul.
Rona Barrett
Today was the day of my yearly physical. My one time a year that I allow myself to be jerked around by someone in the medical profession. Wait out here , ok now wait in here , ok now wait over there, ok now take off all your clothes and wait in here. Let me ask you some questions that I have asked you before but for whatever reason never write down, good. Now let me listen to your chest, heartbeat? good. Now let me hit you with this little mallet, leg moved? good. Now let me move your, well never mind you get the idea. I understand the importance of going to the doctor, that's why I went in the first place but it's just frustrating. I only wanted to get a simple blood check, make sure my PSA's, FBI's, HDl's, Ldl's and whatever other acronyms are all in the right order. My doctor doesn't let you just go get the blood test done, he wants to see me first.
Overall, I am a healthy person. I am fortunate in that regard. I also understand that as a person ages maintaining good health becomes harder. My daughter is going to need me to stick around a few more years, hopefully a few more decades.
I have discovered a newfound strength from my daughter. If I am beginning to get aggravated I can remind myself that I am doing this for her. It seems to be working, at least it seems to be working for now.
The needs of my daughter are starting to come before my own selfish needs. Slowly the boy evolves into the man, and the father, he was supposed to be.
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