Everyone will pay in the end

The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way.
Henry David Thoreau
As we travel further and further down this path into parenthood, the information that is presented to help us along the way gets more and more scarce. When my wife was pregnant there were literally thousands of places to get information about the changes her body was going through, what to expect next, how she should be feeling if everything was normal and what she may feel if things weren't right. Once the baby is born there are thousands of more books that are geared to get you up and running as a new parent. The main book that isn't out there, perhaps because a book can't cover it all, is how a new parent can tell if their baby is happy, healthy, and growing like she should be.
Our daughter has developed this new habit over the last two-three days of 'spitting-up' a whole heck of a lot of milk after she eats. The amount coming out looks like it's roughly twice as much as went it. She has occasionally 'spit-up' a little bit, actually this was fairly normal after every feeding but the amount now is far from spitting up and more like full vomit. Her bowels have also become more liquid like over these past three days. Not that her bowels have ever been all that solid, after all the only thing she eats is liquid, but these last few days have really been quite different.
Of course there really is not anyone to call and pose these questions to. We called her doctor who says that it is normal and that we should take her temperature, rectally, just to make sure. Taking a rectal temperature, now I am just speaking for my wife and I now, is not something that we do on a regular basis. I do not know how to do it, I certainly could try to figure it out but how far do you insert it? Why can't I take it via the ear or the forehead or the armpit? Anyplace that doesn't require me to insert things into my daughter where things are not supposed to be inserted. This idea seems pre-historic to me. Almost like when the used to amputate limbs and use leeches to stave off infections. The medical community, in all honesty, can't come up with something better than this?
As it turns out our daughter appears to be feeling better and she has a doctor's appointment on Monday. My wife has about 67 questions for the doctor and she isn't going to leave until each of them is answered to her satisfaction. The people with appointments after my daughter's are all going to be a little bit late and that is the price that society pays for not equipping new parents with any kind of an owners manual or instruction sheet for new parents.
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