School days

The thing that impresses me the most about America is the way parents obey their children.
King Edward VIII
Did an observation at the middle school today, seventh grade math to be most accurate. One of the students asked me how old I was, she told me that I was old once I answered her question. All the other little girls laughed and so did I.
It got me thinking about how our personal perception of things can be altered, influenced or adjusted by those around us. I have always been intrigued that my version of reality and the guy standing right next to me could be totally different although we are experiencing the same thing.
Our daughter is going to be growing, developing and forming her views based on the information that is presented to her. If we as parents allow her influences to be things we don't understand or know about it we will have no one to blame but ourselves. There are a lot of stories being discussed about, teenagers getting into trouble with adults. Of course the adults are to blame, there is no excuse for trying to have sex with a minor. However, where is the outrage, or at least the questioning, directed at the parents of these kids? Why are these kids allowed to spend so munch time alone on the computer? If the parents do not understand what their kids are doing the parents need to stop the behavior until they are comfortable with it.
Some will say that parents need to choose their battles, they can't fight with their kids about everything. I tend to agree. Now it seems that some parents are choosing not to enter any battles, the kids run the show and do whatever they want to do. This I can't understand. Parents need to be the main guiding light in their kids lives, they need to be the ones shaping their kids futures.
If parents shirk this responsibility they have no one to blame but themselves.
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