Read and react

As readers of this blog you rarely, if ever, will be asked to do anything except read. Today is a day when I will ask you to read, act and then forward this message to others that you know. If you would be willing to help my family I would be very appreciative.
As you know all too well, NATCA and the FAA have been engaged in contract negotiations since last summer. At the table, these talks have been going very well, with agreements being reached much faster than in previous years. But unfortunately, it’s now clearer than ever that the FAA management is intent on driving these negotiations to impasse as soon as is it can reasonably possible – perhaps as soon as the next few weeks.
Their goal is to exploit the law to unilaterally impose a draconian set of work rules on NATCA’s members, gutting the principles of fair collective bargaining, forcing our air traffic controllers to accept pay cuts and then a pay freeze. I don’t have to tell you the negative effects this could have on our aviation system and morale.
Fortunately, thanks to the leadership of a group of Senators, Congresswomen and Congressmen, NATCA has secured the introduction of two bills that would restore fairness and accountability to the negotiating process. The bi-partisan “FAA Fair Labor Management Dispute Resolution Act of 2006” will ensure the FAA gets back to the negotiating table in earnest by providing for binding arbitration instead of FAA imposition.
This is where you come in. We need your help to make sure your Senators sign on to this important bill as soon as possible. That’s why we’re asking you, your friends and family, your email contacts, and anybody you can call to call 1-877 FAIR FAA today. The toll free number will put you directly in contact with your Senator’s office and when that happens you should:
Give your name and tell them you are a registered voter in your state; Tell them you are concerned about the FAA’s actions and want to ensure fairness for America’s air traffic controllers; Tell them you want them to support the Obama Bill, Senate 2201
Please, ask your friends, family and neighbors to call this number today. It’s vital we send a strong message to Congress that we won’t stand for an FAA agenda that will harm the integrity of the National Airspace System.
You can also learn more about this issue from NATCA’s new website:
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