Ski day

If you treat people right they will treat you right - ninety percent of the time.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 - 1945)
My wife, sister and my sister's boyfriend all went skiing today. My baby and I stayed warm and dry drinking cocoa in the lodge. I don't mind being muddy, dirty, sweaty, wet, or hot when I perform athletic type activities. I really don't like being cold, sweaty, and wet though. I have tried the winter sports, I still like to play hockey, but the rest of them just don't agree with me. If it's cold outside than I don't want to be out there, that is the simple truth.
Once the spring time comes and I can go out and ride my bike or take a walk with the dog or ride my dirtbike then I will be the one outside doing rather than inside watching. Plus by staying in I get to do a lot of my school work...not. It's President's Day weekend one of the busiest weekends for skiing in New England as winter vacation is starting for a lot of school aged kids. Busy is a bit of an understatement for the conditions today,the lodge was a mob scene, every seat they had was in use and the moment someone got up from a seat seven people swarmed to it hoping to sit and eat their hamburger and fries. My wife had the baby in her car seat, a diaper bag and was dressed in her skiing clothes. She really couldn't be battling with people for seats because she was not as mobile as most of the other people there. After two laps around the downstairs and one lap around the second level she decided to wait for me near the entrance so we could go home. Thankfully, a very nice lady, Debbie from New Jersey, had a different idea in mind. This woman had an extra seat at her table and she made sure my wife got to sit in it with the baby. She got my wife's attention, not an easy task considering that my wife was on the first floor by the exits and Mrs. New Jersey was on the second floor. There was no yelling over the crowd noise and everything that transpired between them was done with eye contact and hand gestures. This was occurring while I was carrying my wife's ski equipment back from the truck that was parked 2 miles away.
Sometimes people don't realize that their seemingly small gestures will have an enormous impact on other peoples lives. If this woman from New Jersey had not let my wife sit with her we would of left the mountain and gone home, thereby ruining everyone's day. It was no big deal, that is what Mrs. New Jersey kept telling us. Actually,, it was one of the nicest things I can recall someone else doing for us since we left North Carolina. I would like to think that if I was in the same situation that I would act like Debbie from New Jersey. I would like to think that most people would act like Debbie from New Jersey. The truth is that most everyone else would not act like Debbie from New Jersey and you can think that is cynical but if you are honest you know it is the truth. That is a sad thing to write and an even sadder way to live. Hopefully, my daughter will be more like Debbie from New jersey if she is ever in the situation to help someone else. Hopefully, my wife and I can help her become that way.
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