Football Sunday

The more things change, the more they stay the same (I think Cinderella said that).
Well today was the first day that we are officially parents, the first full 24 hours.
Breastfeeding issues, bathing problems, learning (or re-learning) to change diapers are the main obstacles of the day. The nice thing about newborns is that they sleep almost all the time, at least that's pretty much all that she's been doing since she was born. She does occasionally awaken but that is usually only to eat, so it's not too hard to figure out what she needs when she starts to cry.
I, like a lot of males in America, enjoy watching football on Sundays. My wife, like a lot of females in America, can really take or leave the whole football thing. Being as we are still in the hospital and still learning about being parents it seemed strange to me that at 1pm on Sunday my brain knew it was time to watch some football. It would stand to reason that with everything going on, all the changes that have happened in the last 19 hours, football would not really concern me too much. However, it is really amazing how hard the brain works to always trying to retain or regain the comfort zone.
My comfort zone is pretty small, any kind of change and I am easily outside my it. The birth of our daughter is probably the second largest change in my life, it may well be the first as my wedding becomes more and more a part of my past.
The nice thing about comfort zones is that, if we let them, they can be fairly flexible things. If we allow it, the changes can be incorporated into our daily routines and slowly our comfort zone enlarges enough to absorb the new things. Although I don't currently possess the most flexible of comfort zones I think my daughter is the one who is going to guide me along the path of acceptance of new and exciting changes....
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