Long time no see

In Paris they simply stared when I spoke to them in French; I never did succeed in making those idiots understand their language.
Mark Twain
I got an angry email from a faithful reader today. It seems that my two week hiatus has actually been noticed by someone other than my wife. My goal when I began writing this blog was to chronicle the first year of my daughters' life. It fascinates me that anyone else reads it but it sure is nice to know when someone is.
My writing has taken a turn towards repetition, when I start a new blog I feel as though I have all ready written about this before, so I delete the blog entry and try again the next day. Granted, I am no Hemingway or Faulkner but some may call what I am going through to be a bit of writers block.
Everyday is something new in my daughter's life, but everyday is not something so new that it is easy for me to write about it. Sometimes life gets in the way. I am not always able to sit down and devote the time necessary to write something meaningful
What I fail to realize is that my daughter's life is being lived, every hour that goes by she is becoming older, smarter and more like a person rather than an infant. These steps need to be written down, No matter how small, she deserves to know about it and I need to write it down for her.
Some of the blogs that follow will therefore be short, some may be long. Some may sound the same as previous blogs, some may not make any sense to anyone other than me. I ask that if you read this blog and you don't see an update after a week...please email me and get me back on track.
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