Larger than life

The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
The Atlanta airport is getting ready to open a new air traffic control tower. The new one is much larger than the one it is replacing, actually Atlanta will soon have the tallest air traffic control tower in the US. If you look at the photo above you'll notice just how much larger than the old tower it is. The Atlanta airport is getting ready to open another runway. The city of Atlanta just opened up an aquarium. They anticipate 3 million people will visit their new aquarium this year. I would be surprised, stunned actually, if 3 million people visited New Hampshire in a year.
Some people are confused when I say that I would like to move to Atlanta. Why? is the famous question. My best answer is that Atlanta is growing, it is vibrant, it hasn't reached its peak and is not on the downward slide.
The weather is hot. It's probably too hot. The state income tax will probably mean that we take a paycut, although it will probably be a very small one. It will mean that we, my wife and I, are going to have to start over again. We will have to learn a new community, retrain in new facilities, try to make new friends and find some place to provide daycare to our daughter.
In New Hampshire, the opportunities for childcare are limited. The opportunities for child development are also limited.
It seems that in order for us to provide the best for our daughter, we may need to seriously investigate all the pros and cons of moving to another area. A national publication just rated New Hampshire as one of the top three places to live in the US. I don't think Georgia made the top ten. Of course, those ratings are very subjective. The author likes some things that New Hampshire has but some other states may lack. I didn't really memorize the article or the criteria that were used to determine the rankings. Maybe the study is right, maybe moving to Atlanta will wind up being some kind of a mistake. If it is a mistake though, it seems like a lot of people are making the same one. New Hampshire is also the third oldest state in the country. The population of the state is the third oldest I should say. Texas is the youngest state. Being in a state with such a large percentage of older people means the likelihood that schools will not take such a high priority to the voting population in the not too distant future. When schools don't get money they begin to go down hill and down hill fast.
With most things in life there are two ways of looking at things. Sometimes three or four viewpoints. None of them are necessarily wrong they are just different. I really hope that our viewpoint is the right one when it come to the best place for us to raise our child.
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